Monday, November 29, 2010

Film Scoring

Yesterday morning, Ed was helping me sort through some old papers that we found in a compartment hidden behind a false brick panel in my study.  Apparently I've lived in the place so long, I'd forgotten all about it.
They're quire realistic

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Safe and Sound

It is with great relief that I let you know we located Roscoe today in an old cabin in western Connecticut and that he's safely home again resting. At 100 years of age, even a man of such enormous intellect as Roscoe starts to have days now and then when he's just not himself. I guess he got it in his head to go commune with nature and forgot that Leopold Steinwitz's guest cabin, where Roscoe used to occasionally spend summers in the 1950s, has been basically abandoned for forty years.
Fortunately still structurally sound
I'm reluctant to share these details, but I know at least one of the Danbury police has already posted them all on his blog, so an official account here minus some of the more, well, subjective comments is in order. We found him sans clothing and apparently trying to catch and eat birds with some chloroform he found somewhere. Anything else you might hear is simple exaggeration.

Insufferable Meddling

The very idea that a grown man can't be allowed to take some time off to be alone with nature is utterly preposterous!
Clearly a trespasser